Monday, November 6, 2017

Skokie project - closed spray insulation

In our most recent project we have installed a closed spray insulation in entire "building envelop" project ( approximately 5,200.0 sq.ft. area). Skokie, IL

The most popular question for all our clients was:
Cost Of Spray Foam Insulation. 

Spray foam is available in two different types: open-cell spray foam which is usually less expensive, however "R value" is lower compering to close cell,  and it is very from $0.70 to $0.80 per board foot and closed-cell spray foam which is about $1 to $1.50 per board foot. Closed-cell spray foam provides a higher R-value. The inverse of U-factor. per inch  is about 6.5 - 6.8
Ceiling joist cleaning after Close spray insulation application on sloped ceiling in laundry area 

There are two primary types of polyurethane spray foams, known as open cell and closed cell. They differ in densities and other aspects that can be beneficial or detrimental in a given application. Closed cell is the denser and more common of the two types of polyurethane spray foam.

Typical material used for closed spray  insulation is Polyethylene foam is a strong, resilient closed-cell foam. Ideally suited as the material or part of a material required in products requiring a shock absorbing, vibration dampening, insulation, barrier or buoyancy component

Attic slope ceiling area insulation
Generally speaking Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is better than any other type of insulation at reducing air leakage.
With foamed-in-place insulation, it is relatively easy to fill wall and ceiling cavities completely. In our recent project we have used closed-cell insulation with R-value 6.7. Closed-cell spray foam provides a higher R-value per inch (6.5) compering to other types of insulation is  less expensive insulation types like cellulose and fiberglass (3.5 to 3.7).
Most spray polyurethane foam is called "two-component" foam. Two ingredients—conventionally called "1" and "2" or A , B

components—are mixed on site using special equipment mounted in a trailer or truck or can be mixed on site delivered in original containers. 
A chemical reaction begins as soon as the chemicals are mixed. The liquid mixture foams, expands, and eventually hardens.